No Royalty fees * 100% Legal * No Renewal feesInPHONEmercialZ ON HOLD $365.00
Voicemail InPHONEmercialZ $129
Say Goodbye to boring Music ON HOLD ... Say Hello to the most powerful telephone marketing tool on the Planet ... InPHONEmercialZ. Music On Hold and Voice Mail Greetings, transform all your telephones into a Virtual Showroom, with the flexibility to change your messages instantly. Any form of Music ON HOLD is beneficial, but most programs barely scratch the surface of your telephones true power. Instead of a lot of boring music and a little about your company ... let's reverse it and transform your telephone into a "Virtual Showroom" ... where caller's can actually enjoy every Beyond HOLD moment with an entertaining and informative presentation that lets them get to know you better. InPHONEmercialZ are totally customized to your business, allow you to promote anything you like, and get more information to your caller's in 30 seconds than most do in their entirety. You don't have to write your scripts ... we do it all for you, complete with the kind of creativity and marketing expertise you'd expect from a big name, Big $ advertising agency. Don't be surprised when caller's ask to be put back ON HOLD to hear more of your message ... it happens all the time!
We Write ... We Produce ... You Approve ... You Own (You only pay once)
InPHONEmercialZ by themselves, take Music ON HOLD to a whole new level. One other ingredient is needed to, to achieve your telephones full potential. Total Control Telephone Marketing
InPHONEmercialZ give YOU control of what your callers hear and when they hear it. You have the flexibility to quickly Add + Remove + Change + Rearrange your program, whenever YOU want, without having to pay for a whole new program, to immediately capitalize on market opportunities and seasonal trends. You don't have to pay us to arrange the messages your caller's hear because you can make changes, right at your office, almost as quickly as they pop into your mind. It's as easy as creating a song list. The only time you pay us, is when we do work for you ... like creating additional, new InPHONEmercialZ to add to your re-usable library. It's the most cost effective way to ensure your program is never outdated.
Now your Telephone Marketing System is Complete!
Call us ... 954-962-0920 ... We'll make every Call Count Musical Jingle List
Creative InPHONEmercialZ allow callers to actually enjoy being ON HOLD, with a custom written, entertaining presentation of your products, services and everything you want them to know.
***We will not produce or participate in any type of immoral or illegal content, including use of Copyrighted material, pornography, racism, anti-semitism or slander***
Thank you for visiting our HAPPY web site. Count on us - to make Every Call Count. We look forward to delighting you & your customer's.